Educational Technology

Danger on the Internet

Dean Shareski paraphrases a research study making its way around the blogosphere about children and online predators. Here are the key points, or you can read the original article published in the American Psychologist. The findings in a nutshell are that participating in social networking does not increase risk of victimization by online molesters. 99% …

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Digital Storytelling Educational Technology Video in the Classroom

Letter to a First Year Teacher Regarding Using Technology

(Cross-posted in In Practice) Many bloggers have written complaining about teachers not using technology in their classrooms. Rather than complain, Jeff Utecht’s recent post on “Evaluating Technology Use” established a rubric for evaluating technology use. But what if you are a new teacher or you aren’t using technology in your classroom now? It’s not reasonable …

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Educational Technology

Interactive Sites Part Two

I found two more fun interactive sites. I’m sorry I forgot where I found them. If you told me about them, thank you. Warning Sign Generator lets you create caution signs. Dictionary Page lets you create Dictionary Pages with images. This second site also lets you create some other signs if you look at the …

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