Media Literacy Misc.

Interesting Reads on Michael Jackson

Michael and Branding How Michael Became a Brand Icon What we should do to brand ourselves, our schools, our businesses Death by an Overdose of Showbusiness What we should not to to ourselves, our schools, our businesses Humanizing Michael Robert Hilburn Remembers Long time L.A. Times critic reflects Quincy Jones Remembers After “Bad” the rest …

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Media Literacy

Media Literacy Links

We can spend our time crying about how students spend more time watching TV and less time reading or we can provide them with the analytical skills they need to process and think critically about the TV they are watching. This becomes increasingly important as media is being delivered to students on smaller and smaller …

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Media Literacy

Media Literacy Blog Carnival

Okay, I’ve gone a little carnival crazy over here.  Here’s the last one for awhile. The Media Literacy Blog Carnival is now online at Understand There are articles on how you might integrate media literacy in your teaching.

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Media Literacy

Second Life for Toddlers

Nick Pernisco on the Media Literacy Ning points out this article from the New York Times about how entertainment companies are clamoring to create the next Second Life for the pre-teen and younger set. Nick asks, “Are kids really safe on these sites, or are they being stalked by online predators called advertisers?” While I …

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