Educational Technology Site Updates

Computer Detox

I will be taking a one week vacation from my laptop this week.  I will not be checking e-mail, updating my sites, or approving blog comments in that time.

I think between blog reading, twittering, linkedin, and all the rest I’ve  become a tad addicted to the internet and especially because I have some legitimate business to do I’m going to try putting it all away for a week to take a legitimate vacation.

I’d like to be able to sleep late without feeling like I need to get up to go online.  I’d like to give my hands a rest from typing.  And I’d like to experience life for a week like what it was before computers. I know that I will be going through withdrawal for a few days but after that it should get better.

I have a few posts that will go live in my absense.  However, I won’t be back in person until August 6th. Thanks for hanging in there.

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