Educational Technology Open Court Reading Video in the Classroom

Give A Laptop Get a Laptop

This has been well publicized elsewhere but in case you missed it…

One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is a non-profit organization which allows you to donate a $200 laptop to third world countries.

Right now they’re running a promotion where you can pay $400 and get a laptop for yourself and send one to someone in the world who does not have one.

These are not normal laptops and are not to be compared to the cheapest PC version let alone a Mac. However, they can access the internet and run open source word processing software. Don’t expect to run Microsoft Office or Windows XP, it can’t. However, they’re incredibly durable. You can drop them and pour dirt on them and no damage will occur. (They also allow for programming…I do wonder what will happen when they get in the hands of programmers in this country…if you can hack an iPhone what can you do with this?)

If you have a young child or want to do a good deed, this is an intriguing offer. You only have a couple of weeks to take advantage of the offer if you’re interested but no pressure.

Here David Pogue reviews the laptop:Here Negroponte talks about his invention: