Educational Technology

Nominations for the Edublog Awards

Nominations for the annual Edublog Awards are now being taken.

Here are my nominations:

1. Best individual blog:  Elona Hartjes—Teachers At Risk
Elona’s blog continually inspires and encourages me both in my personal and teaching lives.

3. Best new blog:  Angela Maiers
A little more than a year old, Angela writes consistently about traditional and new media literacies.

4. Best resource sharing blog:  Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day
Larry posts so many web sites that it’s hard to keep up with them all.  There’s something for everyone though if you stick around long enough.

5. Most influential blog post:  Why Can’t Inner City Kids Learn? by City Teacher
I don’t know if anyone else has read this one but it certainly has influenced me in my teaching. 

6. Best teacher blog:  Kevin’s Meandering Mind
Kevin’s coolness comes across from his blog.  Just when you think you’ve got him pegged as a claymation-ing rock n’ roller, he surprises you by becoming a comic book creating master “day in a sentence writer”.  He’s the kind of teacher whose class you want to be in.  I read to come along for the ride.

11. Best educational use of video / visual:  Marco Torres’s Flickschool
Marco posts short movies on how to make movies and I love them.

13. Best educational use of a social networking service:  Classroom 2.0
This one might be too obvious of a choice.  However, it’s still the perfect entree into the world of blogging and educational technology for those just beginning to dip their toe in the water.

Final thoughts:  I read many blogs (over 100 are in my reader).  I would like to nominate several more if only there were appropriate categories or the ability to nominate more than one.

3 thoughts on “Nominations for the Edublog Awards”

  1. Mathew,

    Thanks for the nomination! And for sharing your other nominations. How could I have not nominated Kevin?! I’m going to “steal” that idea….


  2. Mathew,
    Thank you so much for the nomination and for sharing your nominations. That\’s very thoughtful of you. I wasn\’t aware of some of the blogs. It\’s great to discover excellent new ones. I look forward to reading them.

  3. WOW, Matthew-thank you for the nomination! I remember last year, I had just started blogging when the awards came out. I was so in awe and amazed at how much knowledge and talent was available in the blogoshere. I am thrilled be be a part of the conversation as it has connected me with incredible educators like yourself. Congrats on the well deserved nomination for lifelong learning! This is an exciting time to be alive!

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