Open Court Reading

Parent Followup to Heritage Poetry Idea

Here is a website with a bit more info on the Where I am From poem:

I would like to share my poem (when I write it) with the parents at
Back to School night. The parents could learn a bit about me, and then I can
tie this into our Open Court Heritage unit we do in late
November – January.

I could assign to the parents that they write THEIR Where I am From
Poem, and I could save their poems until we start studying heritage.

The students could get a real kick learning about their parents. A lot of my
students speak their primary language at home, even though they may be 2nd
or 3rd generation immigrants. My students are primarily Latino or Filipino,
so they might really enjoy learning about their parents. They could even ask
their grandparents to complete this.

A great tie-in would be the story about helping the elderly friend get back
her memory, for isn’t that what we are all about? The most
wonderful memories are who we are. Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge
by Mem Fox.

Culminating project: The students write THEIR Where I am From Poem about
themselves, honoring their heritage and culture.

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